Follow the Warships Signal To Find Its Source Marvel Avengers Game - By Force of Mind Mission Quest Guide
During the quest by force of mind follow the warships signal to find its source you play as Captain America and will come across some platforms that you need to jump across and some buttons that need to be hit to continue this mission.
This guide will help you to follow the warships signal to find its source during the quest by force of mind. It can be a bit tricky and you can watch the quick video below to show you how to jump as Captain America from one part to another or you can continue reading the instructions below.
You will be needing to throw your shield during this part of the quest to follow the warships signal to find its source. First you need to hit the first glowing button you see below.
After you hit that button, you'll need to wall run across the wall on the right. Once you get to the end of the platform, look to your left and then double jump to the other side.
Once you make it across after double jumping. Keep going forward until you reach the end of the platform. You need to hit a glowing button with your shield before you can wall run across it and on to the next platform.
After you hit that button you can then wall run across on to the next platform. Once you are on the next platform you need to look out for 2 glowing buttons in front of you and slightly to the right, then hit both of them with your shield for the next platform to unlock.
Once you hit those 2 glowing buttons, you'll need to wall run across and then double jump onto the next climbable wall then quickly press jump again to climb up it. If you don't press jump quick enough you'll fall down.
When you finally manage to make it up to the next platform, you'll need to stand on this pressure plate and throw your shield at the 2 glowing buttons as shown in the photo above. Once you do this part the next path will be unlocked and you will complete the follow the warships signal to find its source part of the By Force of Mind quest.